Rabu, 21 Desember 2016


JOINTING AND TERMINATION MEDIUM VOLTAGE CABLE TRAINING ANSWER PROBLEM: Company crave continuity of service so that the necessary electrical power connections and cable termination process in a timely and appropriate quality. To these officers need to understand the connections and cable terminations. TRAINING BENEFITS: After attending the training participants are able to perform basic cable connection and termination using measuring equipment, working tools and safety equipment for the cable work in the company based on the applicable SOPs / manufacturer' s operating instructions. In accordance with standard company competence DNC ( 3) Construction Distribution Network ( Network Distribution. Contruction) Dept. EMR Personal Competence standard. DIS. KON. 016 ( 2) A and DIS. KON.029 ( 2) A PARTICIPANTS: Dipersiapakan officers to carry out ground cable connection and termination 20 KV. PARTICIPANT REQUIREMENTS: Having knowledge in cable land. SCOPE OF REVIEW OF KNOWLEDGE is taught: • In Class Training 1. Isolation Techniques 2. Medium Voltage Cables 20 KV 3. Tanak 20 KV Cable Construction 4. Grid Connect and Termination 5. The practice of grafting and the cable termination 20 KV • On The Job Training 1. Implementing OJT tasks and activities appropriate standard of personal competence as follows: a. DIS.KON.016 ( 2) A and DIS.KON.029 ( 2) A DURATION OF TRAINING IMPLEMENTATION 1. In Clas Training: 2 days 2. On The Job Training / Practice: 3 days CERTIFICATE: • Training Certificate is awarded after following the In Class Training and has passed or not passed. • Certificates of competency shall be granted after conducting OJT and declared incompetent by PT PLN ( Persero) UDIKLAT upon the recommendation of Mentor. • Certification awarded by the Polytechnic of Malang - PT PLN ( Persero) UDIKLAT Pandaan COOPERATION: PT PLN ( Persero) Udiklat Pandaan cooperate State Polytechnic of Malang

Hubungi : email pheno_59@yahoo.com  WA 082233335362